The iconic BumGenius...

🌟NEW PRODUCT 🌟 The iconic BumGenius...

🌟NEW PRODUCT 🌟 The iconic BumGenius Elemental 🀩 Gorgeously soft organic cotton all in one nappy which fits from birth for most babies with an amazing weight range of 7lb up to 35lb. Highly absorbent too and easy to adjust. . Also by @cottonbabies Hemp Babies Little Weeds hemp boosters 😎 #realnappylife by Beth Farrow. I only stock nappies I know and love. Message me for advice any time. Link in bio. . . #makelaundrynotlandfill #makeclothmainstream #clothnappyfamilies #reusablenappies #clothnappy #clothnappyshop #realnappyshop
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